Salon Concerts




Salon Concerts is a weekly concert series that provides an inclusive environment and expressive forum for pianists of all generations, created by Joe Patrych.
Klavierhaus is proud to further the legacy of Joe Patrych through the continuation of his concert series "Sunday Evenings at Klavierhaus", which has now been renamed "Salon Concerts".

We welcome Jed Distler in the role of acting artistic director for the series.

Piano on Park has graciously offered to accept donations (now tax-deductible!) for Salon Concerts.

Joe's original writing regarding the series has been preserved, below.
When Sujatri, James and I came up with the idea for the Sunday Evenings at Klavierhaus series, we frankly had no idea what the future would hold. We simply wanted to provide a forum for musicians to be able to perform on top notch pianos in an intimate, compelling space. At the time, we had no expectations as to the trajectory of the series - it was frankly an experiment.
What has happened has gone beyond expectations - we have had dozens of successful events, including a number of off-site concerts (and more to come!). We have given numerous young worthwhile pianists opportunities to present themselves in the best possible situation, and have (thanks mostly to the diligent work of James Wu) set up a 1st class audio/video/streaming setup, which has enabled effective promotion of these pianist’s abilities, both young and older. We have also been proud to present special events such as the 90th and 91st birthday concerts for the esteemed and beloved Jerome Lowenthal, a welcome to the United States concert for the highly regarded former head of the Moscow Conservatory Piano Dept Mikhail Voskresensky, and an epic memorial tribute to the late, great Alexander Toradze, curated by Joseph Horowitz.
The series has also engendered so much interest that as of this writing (Feb 8th, 2023), Sunday Evenings is booked into the mid fall already. It is clear to me that this is a viable and needed addition to the NYC concert scene.
However, none of this comes without cost. There are expenses associated with running concerts at Klavierhaus, and as the artistic director of the series, I feel that Klavierhaus should not have to bear the entirety of the cost, as they are providing the space and the pianos already, and we would like to offer the artists compensation whenever possible.
It is in that spirit that we are asking our audience both in person and on the live-streams, to consider helping us out with the goal of making the series even more a vital part of the NY concert scene. Every penny of all donations above the expenses will go directly to the artists (I am administrating the funds). Klavierhaus and the people associated with it will not take any funding for this beyond the expenses; it will all be provided to the well-deserving performers.
Joe PatrychArtistic Director
Joe Patrych1955 - 2023